(096) 460-49-49

certificate of authenticity

Certificate of Authenticity - a document that you can order to buy works in our gallery. The certificate is a further guarantee of the authenticity of the work, proof of its originality, accessories authorship of the work, proof of its originality and authorship of the artist's accessories. He is like a passport of the work. The certificate may be issued only on the original work of authorship, and not even its author's copy.
This is important, especially for collectors. The certificate shows all details of the work, his photo, the signature of the author, as the degrees of protection, etc.
It is made in two languages: Russian and English.

Production certificate may take more time (from 3 days to 2 weeks), largely depends on the location of the artist. Therefore, in order to save your time, we would be grateful if you could immediately determine the necessity of the document when ordering.
The cost of production of the certificate: 500 UAH ($ 23)

Obtaining the certificate is carried out after the acquisition of the product

We will be happy to help you select the most appropriate picture to answer your questions and suggestions.

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