Fedor Mateychuk

Fyodor Mateychuk was born in 1956. in. Kulachkivtsi Snyatynsk district, Ivano-Frankivskoi region.
Painting and studied at Moscow University of Arts, the Faculty of painting and drawing.
Picturesque nature, created by God, inspired the artist to glorify it on canvas. Creative Workshop artist, very often, are: mountain trails, floodplains and other picturesque places of Galicia and Pokuttya.
  The artist is a member of Union of Artists.
Since 1980. Fedor is an active member of local, regional, national and international exhibitions.
Major exhibitions:
 All-Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine - 2011 Kyiv
 Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Artist - 2012 Kyiv
 Ukrainian art exhibition «Picturesque Ukraine" - 2012 Zaporozhye
 Ukrainian art exhibition dedicated to the Day of the Artist - 2012 Kyiv
 Ukrainian art exhibition BC - 2012 Kyiv
International Art Exhibition "Lviv Autumn Salon" - 2012 Lviv
 Ukrainian art exhibition «Picturesque Ukraine" - 2013 Kharkiv