Anna Osadchuk

Anna was born Osadchyk 3.10.1993r. in. Chernyakhiv Zhytomyr region.
From 2005 to 2008 she studied in Zhitomir city art school in artists carpenter VA and carpenter IS
In 2008 she entered DHSSH them. Shevchenko Kyiv on painting department, where she studied the teachers-artists Karev LI, OA Melnichenko
In 2012 defended diploma "Evening Melody" and the same year entered NAFAA at Faculty of Fine Arts specialization "arts", where learning to artists such as Kuleba-Barinov VI, Vyrodova VG-Gauthier , Belyanskiy O.M.Z 2014 a member of the youth about "unity NUAU. Active participant of exhibitions and contests. His works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, and working as SShA.Zhyvu in Kiev.

The artist's works

  • Rural motive

    Rural motive

    0.00 грн.

  • Утренний Львов

    Утренний Львов

    5200.00 грн.

  • Святковий натюрморт

    Святковий натюрморт

    4500.00 грн.

  • Mother


    0.00 грн.

  • Осень. Из окна мастерской

    Осень. Из окна мастерской

    2800.00 грн.