Andrey Brodyachenko

Andriy Viklik (Brodyachenko) Suchasnyj artist who sings, sculptor narodivsya in 1980 rotsі in m.Dnіpropetrovsk. Vier Rocky hudozhnoї school. In vіtsі 12 rokіv peremіg on mіzhnarodnomu konkursі Kindergarten malyunku, yaky passes at Frantsії mіstі Antіba. W 1997 2002rr. student of DNU (Dnіpropetrovskkogo Natsіonalnogo Unіversitetu іm.Olesya Gonchar) Department Obrazotvorche is the arts and crafts Mistetstvo. Three prophets napoleglivogo navchannya in shkolі Keramiky. Vikladannya lіplennya i painting in Valdorfskіy shkolі.
Create at the styles simvolіzm, lettrism, ekspresіonіzm, abstraktsіonіzm, primіtivіzm.
Organіzator that participant serії Private avtorskih vistavok. The participant bagatoh Collective vistavok. Conduct hudozhnі trenіngi for "Pravopіvkulnomu Mislennyu" in m. Dnipropetrovs'k. Priymav fate, yak i artist sings on hristiyanskomu festivalі Bozhih mittsіv in Dnіpropetrovsku.
Kartini znahodyatsya in Private kolektsіyah Shveytsarії, Avstrії, Chehії, Polshі, Ukraine, Russie.
Givet i do have m.Dnіpropetrovsk

The artist's works

  • Sainted appearance

    Sainted appearance

    None грн.

  • Pater our...

    Pater our...

    950.00 грн.

  • But He undertook our infirmities (Isaiya 53:4)

    But He undertook our infirmities (Isaiya 53:4)

    950.00 грн.

  • In the cuddles

    In the cuddles

    0.00 грн.

  • Prosperous faith

    Prosperous faith

    0.00 грн.

  • Tenderness


    None грн.